Hello Friends,
Sometime back I sent a letter and a copy of my book to our new President… (Well it was right after the election but who’s counting the days). I just wanted to encourage him and the new congress to perhaps use a little common sense and stop all the Bulls#it that seems to have taken over our government. Like I have tried to encourage horse folks to do in my books. Well today I got a note back! I do don’t know for sure that he read it or even wrote the note, but hey, it’s got his name on it so I thought I’d pass it along! It is attached below for your reading enjoyment along with a note I received from the wife of a fellow “Coastie” today. Since Veterans Day is on Friday, I thought you might like to see something from our military horse folks. Have a good one! Smokie
November 7, 2011
Dear Smokie:
Thank you for your kind note and your book Whisper This. Your thoughtful words join a chorus of millions of Americans who are eager to lead our Nation towards a brighter tomorrow.
Each day, I am inspired by the encouraging messages of hope and determination I have received from people across the country. With the magnitude of challenges we face, we will only overcome them if our imagination is joined to common purpose.
The future we leave to our children and grandchildren will be determined by our willingness to shoulder each other’s burdens, take great risks, and move forward as one people and one Nation. With your help, we will build on what we have already achieved and lay a new foundation for real and lasting progress.
Barack Obama
It’s great to know that there is life after the Coast Guard. My husband is set to retire in two more years.He is a DCC on the USCGC Waesche WMSL-751 in Alameda, Ca (now in port), We have both had horses our whole lives being raised out in the “sticks” but obviously, being at sea prevents an old sailor from riding anything other than waves. He will have the chance again once he retires.
He is very tired of sea duty and I pointed you out to him, to let him know that there are things salty sailors could do after they get out. We share the love of horses as well and have scars to prove it!
Thank you for being proof that there is life after the Coast Guard and for serving our country. In addition, I’m loving your training methods on starting colts ( I wish I’d seen it before) . It would be safe to say that it beats cowboyin’ the old way.
Semper Paratus!
Lara Wiard